Hi there!

My name is Mohsen, and I am a Software Engineer (Java / Go). This is my little corner on the web.

Backend Developer with 5 years of experience deploying and maintain financial and banking products based on blockchain environments and crypto (DeFi).

Using Java, Golang, Spring frameworks, SQL and NoSQL databases, Docker, Cloud and Microservices to build well-performing, scalability and resilience applications.

Programming Languages: Java, Golang, JavaScript
Frameworks: Spring Boot, Gin web framework, ReactJs
Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis
Message Queue: Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ
DevOps and Cloud: GitHub, Gitlab CI/CD, Maven, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Amazon AWS
Testing: Unit Test, TDD, JUnit, Mockito, TestNG
Design Principles: Design Patterns, SOLID, KISS, Clean Code